Normally, when there’s not enough funds in the account to fully reimburse the eligible amount of a claim, we’ll process a partial reimbursement immediately equal to the amount in your HSA (less taxes).
Then, we’ll schedule a second partial payment when enough funds are available, or your Benefit period ends (whichever comes first), to reimburse the remaining eligible balance of the claim.
If you don't have enough to cover the full reimbursement and you submit your claim vs saving it in draft, we will reimburse what we can and schedule another when there is enough in your account.
For example, in Ontario:
If you have $100.00 available in your HSA funds, and submit an eligible claim for $80.00, we'll reimburse the full $80.00.
But if you have $80.00 in your account and the claim is $100.00, we will reimburse $80.00 on the first reimbursement.
When adequate funds are added to your account we'll deduct the remaining $20.00 on the second reimbursement.
If you want to give us specific reimbursement instructions, you can reach out to our Support Team who'll be happy to help! Otherwise, we'll default to scheduling a second partial payment when funds are available.